Ihre Suche nach "neurofeedback" ergab ca. 36 Treffer.

https://www.cbs.mpg.de/neurophysik/braintrain Bildgebung für therapeutische Zwecke: Selbstregulierung des Gehirns bei mentalen Störungen (BRAINTRAIN … Typischer Aufbau für Echtzeit-fMRT-Neurofeedback
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/mitarbeitende/stephani Postdoc Abteilung Neurologie Forschungsgruppe Neuronale Interaktionen und … und Kognition Methoden: EEG, TMS, Neurofeedback, Eye-Tracking, statistische Modelle …
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/publication-search/162283?person=persons251086 Rösch, S.; Schmidt, R.; Hilbert, A.: Neurofeedback strategies in binge-eating disorder as predictors of EEG-neurofeedback regulation success … Brain Sciences 11 (1), 19 (2020) MPG …
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/publication-search/162350?person=persons251086 Rösch, S.; Schmidt, R.; Hilbert, A.: Neurofeedback strategies in binge-eating disorder as predictors of EEG-neurofeedback regulation success … Brain Sciences 11 (1), 19 (2020) MPG …
https://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/publication-search/167967?person=persons251086 Neurofeedback strategies in binge-eating disorder as predictors of EEG-neurofeedback regulation success … The myth of neurofeedback: Can we really train our brains …
https://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/student-publications All years 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 … NeuroImage 242, 118452 (2021) MPG.PuRe DOI publisher-version …
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/neurophysics/braintrain Taking imaging into the therapeutic domain … the self-regulation of the patients’ brain activity through neurofeedback are developed … Typical rt-fMRI neurofeedback setup …
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/2106870/d25_meissner.pdf Robust mixed design ANOVA Pupil-based neurofeedback approach x = 8 i. can be trained via pupil-based neurofeedback (pupil-NF) ii …
https://imprs-neurocom.mpg.de/1356002/programme Session I: A Journey through Language and Communication … Chairs: Gesa Hartwigsen and Lars Meyer … Laboratory of Comparative Neuropsychology; University of Iowa Healthcare, Iowa-City …
https://www.cbs.mpg.de/414943/asfbc-ssm-13 Lecturer: Jane Neumann , Karsten Mueller , Alexander Schäfer , Boris Bernhard , Lydia Hellrung … 2013-05-29 Brain-Computer-Interfaces and Neurofeedback (L. Hellrung) 2013-06-05 …

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