
Raum: Lecture Hall (C101) + Zoom Meeting (hybrid mode) Ort: MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften

Daniël Lakens | Fixing our crisis: Real solutions instead of new heuristics

Event Open Science Initiative
Scientific reform in the last decade has led to a wide range of proposed changes in how we design, analyse, report, and publish scientific findings. As the implementation of better research practices spreads through the scientific community, there is a risk of merely changing old flawed heuristics with new flawed heuristics. In this talk, I will give examples of new research practices that were intended to improve our science, but that are already used rather mindlessly, without improving anything. I’ll also offer some reflections on what will be needed to overcome scientists' strong reliance on norms en heuristics, and actually improve the way we do science in practice. [mehr]

Dr Lucia Melloni | From continuous streams to segmented units: Understanding how events structure perception and memory

Language Circle
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Prof. Erie Boorman | Cognitive maps, cognitive demands, and inference

Mind Meeting

Prof. Christian Büchel | How expectations and their violations shape perception

Mind Meeting

Prof. Dr. Patrick Haggard | Somatosensory Qualities: Blix, Müller and beyond


Aaron Peikert | Towards Transparency and Open Science: A Principled Perspective on Computational Reproducibility and Preregistration

Event Open Science Initiative
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Prof. Jim Haxby | Modeling shared and individuating information encoded in fine-scale cortical topographies

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