Zeitschriftenartikel (339)

Mathias, B.; Sureth, L.; Hartwigsen, G.; Macedonia, M.; Mayer, K. M.; von Kriegstein, K.: Visual sensory cortices causally contribute to auditory word recognition following sensorimotor-enriched vocabulary training. Cerebral Cortex 31 (1), S. 513 - 528 (2021)
Nazarova, M.; Kulikova, S.; Piradov, M. A.; Limonova, A. S.; Dobrynina, L. A.; Konovalov, R. N.; Novikov, P. A.; Sehm, B.; Villringer, A.; Saltykova, A. et al.; Nikulin, V. V.: Multimodal assessment of the motor system in patients with chronic ischemic stroke. Stroke 52 (1), S. 241 - 249 (2021)
Nguyen, T.; Schleihauf, H.; Kayhan, E.; Matthes, D.; Vrticka, P.; Hoehl, S.: Neural synchrony in mother-child conversation: Exploring the role of conversation patterns. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16 (1-2), S. 93 - 102 (2021)
Novikov, P.; Nazarova, M.; Reshetnikov, M.; Kozlova, K.; Makarova, M.; Nikulin, V. V.: Activity-dependent TMS: Combination of spatial and temporal information. Psychology: Journal of the Higher School of Economics 18 (2), S. 381 - 392 (2021)
Pell, M. D.; Kotz, S. A.: Comment: The next frontier: Prosody research gets interpersonal. Emotion Review 13 (1), S. 51 - 56 (2021)
Pfeffer, T.; Ponce-Alvarez, A.; Tsetsos, K.; Meindertsma, T.; Gahnström, C. J.; van den Brink, R. L.; Nolte, G.; Engel, A. K.; Deco, G.; Donner, T. H.: Circuit mechanisms for the chemical modulation of cortex-wide network interactions and behavioral variability. Science Advances 7 (29), eabf5620 (2021)
Pfyffer, D.; Vallotton, K.; Curt, A.; Freund, P.: Predictive value of midsagittal tissue bridges on functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 35 (1), S. 33 - 43 (2021)
Richter, M.; Vignotto, M.; Mock, J.; Obrig, H.; Rossi, S.: Different word-learning contexts alter phonotactic rule learning in 6-month-olds. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36 (9), S. 1135 - 1158 (2021)
Rysop, A.; Schmitt, L.; Obleser, J.; Hartwigsen, G.: Neural modelling of the semantic predictability gain under challenging listening conditions. Human Brain Mapping 42 (1), S. 110 - 127 (2021)
Schiavi, S.; Petracca, M.; Sun, P.; Fleysher, L.; Cocozza, S.; El Mendili, M. M.; Signori, A.; Babb, J. S.; Podranski, K.; Song, S.-K. et al.; Inglese, M.: Non-invasive quantification of inflammation, axonal and myelin injury in multiple sclerosis. Brain 144 (1), S. 213 - 223 (2021)
Schirmer, A.; Wijaya, M.; Chiu, M. H.; Maess, B.; Gunter, T. C.: Musical rhythm effects on visual attention are non-rhythmical: Evidence against metrical entrainment. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16 (1-2), S. 58 - 71 (2021)
Schleihauf, H.; Hoehl, S.; Tsvetkova, N.; König, A.; Mombaur, K.; Pauen, S.: Preschoolers’ motivation to over‐imitate humans and robots. Child Development 92 (1), S. 222 - 238 (2021)
Turker, S.; Reiterer, S. M.: Brain, musicality, and language aptitude: A complex interplay. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 41, S. 95 - 107 (2021)
Vasilevska, V.; Guest, P. C.; Bernstein, H.-G.; Schroeter, M. L.; Geis, C.; Steiner, J.: Molecular mimicry of NMDA receptors may contribute to neuropsychiatric symptoms in severe COVID-19 cases. Journal of Neuroinflammation 18 (1), 245 (2021)

Buch (4)

Syversen, I. F.: Applications of advanced MRI methods in cancer and neuroimaging. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway (2021)
Prinz, W.: Bewusstsein erklären. Suhrkamp, Berlin (2021), 317 S.
de Haas, A. N.: Mapping space, episodes and values in the hippocampus. Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (2021)
Ekhtiari, H.; Vartanian, M.: Brain obesity: Practical neuroscience-informed methods to keep your body fit and healthy. Metacognium (2021)

Buchkapitel (9)

Sanchez-Vives, M. V.; Slater, M.; Nierula, B.: Agency and responsibility while controlling movement through brain-computer interfaces for neurorehabilitation. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. ICNR 2020. Biosystems & Biorobotics, Bd. 28, S. 557 - 561 (Hg. Torricelli, D.; Akay, M.; Pons, J.L.). Springer, Cham (2021)
Kinno, R.; Chang, E.; Friederici, A. D.: Syntax. In: Intraoperative mapping of cognitive networks: Which tasks for which locations, S. 155 - 170 (Hg. Mandonnet, E.; Herbet, G.). Springer, Cham (2021)
Alexandrovsky, D.; Friehs, M.; Grittner, J.; Putze, S.; Birk, M. V.; Malaka, R.; Mandryk, R. L.: Serious snacking: A survival analysis of how snacking mechanics affect attrition in a mobile serious game. In: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 113. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2021)
Michel, C.: Von Rasseln und Rätselkisten - Soziales Lernen als Schlüssel zum Menschsein. In: Menschsein: Die Anfänge unserer Kultur (Hg. Giemsch, L.; Haidle, M. N.). Nünnerich-Asmus, Oppenheim am Rhein (2021)
Zaccarella, E.; Trettenbrein, P.: Neuroscience and syntax. In: A Companion to Chomsky – Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, S. 325 - 347 (Hg. Allott, N.; Lohndal, T.; Rey, G.). Wiley-Blackwell, ‎Hoboken, New Jersey (2021)
Fritz, T. H.: Why do people exercise to music? In: The science and psychology of music: From Beethoven at the office to Beyoncé at the gym, S. 284 - 289 (Hg. Thompson , W. F.; Olsen , K. N.) (2021)
Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Southgate , V.: Early theory of mind development: Are infants inherently altercentric? In: The neural basis of mentalizing, S. 49 - 66 (Hg. Ochsner, K.; Gilead, M.). Springer, Cham (2021)
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