Zeitschriftenartikel (7927)

Nunner-Winkler, G.: Selbstkonzeptforschung und Identitätskonstrukt. Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie 19 (4), S. 243 - 254 (1988)
Nunner-Winkler, G.; Sodian, B.: Children's understanding of moral emotions. Child Development 59 (5), S. 1323 - 1328 (1988)
Ordidge, R. J.; Coxon, R.; Howseman, A.; Chapman, B.; Turner, R.; Stehling, M.; Mansfield, P.: Snapshot Head Imaging At 0.5-T Using The Echo Planar Technique. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 8 (1), S. 110 - 115 (1988)
Perner, J.; Wimmer, H.: Misinformation and unexpected change: Testing the development of epistemic-state attribution. Psychological Research 50 (3), S. 191 - 197 (1988)
Schneider, W.: Zur Rolle des Wissens bei kognitiven Höchstleistungen. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 35 (3), S. 161 - 172 (1988)
Schneider, W.; Hasselhorn, M.: Metakognitionen bei der Lösung mathematischer Probleme: Gestaltungsperspektiven fuer den Mathematikunterricht. Heilpaedagogische Forschung 14 (2), S. 113 - 118 (1988)
Schneider, W.; Sodian, B.: Metamemory memory behavior relationships in young children: Evidence from a memory-for-location task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 45 (2), S. 209 - 233 (1988)
Strube, G.; Weber, A.: Die Entwicklung der zeitlichen Einordnung und Datierung von Ereignissen. Zeitschrift fur Entwicklungspsychologie und Padagogische Psychologie 20 (3), S. 225 - 238 (1988)
Turner, R.: Minimum Inductance Coils. Journal of Physics E-Scientific Instruments 21 (10), S. 948 - 952 (1988)
Turner, R.; Howseman, A. M.; Ordidge, R. J.; Coxon, R.; Glover, P.; Mansfield, P.: Snapshot magnetic resonance imaging at 0.1T using double-screened gradients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 80, S. 248 - 258 (1988)
Villringer, A.; Rosen, B. R.; Belliveau, J. W.; Ackerman, J. L.; Lauffer, R. B.; Buxton, R. B.; Chao, Y. S.; Wedeen, V. J.; Brady, T. J.: Dynamic imaging with Lanthanide chelates in normal brain: contrast due to magnetic susceptibility effects. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 6 (2), S. 164 - 174 (1988)
Weinert, F. E.: Kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf? Kritische Anmerkungen zu einer anmerkungsreichen Kritik. Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogische Psychologie 2 (2), S. 113 - 117 (1988)
Asendorpf, J. B.: Videotape reconstruction of emotions and cognitions related to shyness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 53 (3), S. 542 - 549 (1987)
Bates, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Wulfeck, B.: Comprehension in aphasia: A cross-linguistic study. Brain and Language 32, S. 19 - 67 (1987)
Bates, E.; Friederici, A. D.; Wulfeck, B.: Grammatical morphology in aphasia: Evidence from three languages. Cortex 23 (4), S. 545 - 574 (1987)
Beckmann, J.: A Theory of Action Identification - Vallacher,Rr, Wegner,Dm. Contemporary Psychology 32 (6), S. 551 - 552 (1987)
Beckmann, J.; Gollwitzer, P. M.: Deliberative versus implemental states of mind: The issue of impartiality in predecisional and postdecisional information processing. Social Cognition 5 (3), S. 259 - 279 (1987)
Bullock, M.: Stage and Structure - Reopening the Debate - Levin,I. Contemporary Psychology 32 (10), S. 860 - 861 (1987)
Chapman, B.; Turner, R.; Ordidge, R. J.; Doyle, M.; Cawley, M.; Coxon, R.; Glover, P.; Mansfield, P.: Real-Time Movie Imaging From A Single Cardiac Cycle By Nmr. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 5 (3), S. 246 - 254 (1987)
Edelmann, R. J.; Asendorpf, J. B.; Contarello, A.; Georgas, J.; Villanueva, C.; Zammuner, V.: Self-Reported Verbal and Non-Verbal Strategies for Coping with Embarrassment in 5 European Cultures. Social Science Information Sur les Sciences Sociales 26 (4), S. 869 - 883 (1987)
Friederici, A. D.; Graetz, P. A. M.: Processing passive sentences in aphasia: Deficits and strategies. Brain and Language 30, S. 93 - 105 (1987)
Friederici, A. D.; Levelt, W. J. M.: Resolving perceptual conflicts: The cognitive mechanism of spatial orientation. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 58 (9), S. A164 - A169 (1987)
Geyer, S.; Gudden, W.; Betz, H.; Gnahn, H.; Weindl, A.: Colocalization of choline acetyltransferase and postsynaptic glycine receptors in motoneurons of rat spinal cord demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. Neuroscience Letters 82, S. 11 - 15 (1987)
Gollwitzer, P. M.; Wicklund, R. A.: Fusing apples and oranges: A rejoinder to Carver & Scheier and to Fenigstein. Journal of Personality 55 (3), S. 555 - 561 (1987)
Heckhausen, H.; Gollwitzer, P. M.: Thought contents and cognitive functioning in motivational versus volitional states of mind. Motivation and Emotion 11 (2), S. 101 - 120 (1987)
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