Zeitschriftenartikel (719)

Nischwitz, A.; Gerhardt, H. J.; Paris, S.; Villringer, A.: Das Lymphom im Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel als Ursache einer retrocochleären Schädigung: Kasuistik und Literaturübersicht. HNO 46, S. 542 - 547 (1998)
Nolte, C.; Kohl, M.; Scholz, U.; Weih, M.; Villringer, A.: Characterization of the pulse signal over the human head by near infrared spectroscopy. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 454, S. 115 - 123 (1998)
Scholz, U.; Kohl, M.; Nolte, C.; Hennig, C.; Villringer, A.: Multivariate spectral analysis of the beat-to-beat sampled cortical NIRS signals and the heart rate variability. Proceedings of SPIE 3566, S. 106 - 111 (1998)
Schulz, J. G.; Megow, D.; Reszka, R.; Villringer, A.; Einhaeupl, K. M.; Dirnagl, U.: Evidence that glypican is a receptor mediating ß-amyloid neurotoxicity in PC12 cells. European Journal of Neuroscience 10 (6), S. 2085 - 1093 (1998)
Heekeren, H.; Obrig, H.; Wenzel, R.; Eberle, K.; Ruben, J.; Villringer, K.; Kurth, R.; Villringer, A.: Cerebral haemoglobin oxygenation during sustained visual stimulation: A near–infrared spectroscopy study. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 352 (1354), S. 743 - 750 (1997)
Hock, C.; Villringer, K.; Mueller-Spahn, F.; Wenzel, R.; Heekeren, H. R.; Schuh-Hofer, S.; Hofmann, M.; Minoshima, S.; Schwaiger, M.; Dirnagl, U. et al.; Villringer, A.: Decrease in parietal cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation during performance of a verbal fluency task in patients with Alzheimer`s disease monitored by means of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) - correlation with simultaneous rCBF-PET measurements. Brain Research 755, S. 293 - 303 (1997)
Arnold, G.; Kinze, S.; von Pannewitz, H.; Obrig, H.; Villringer, A.: Kann man den Blutfluss während der Migräne-Attacke messen? Med-Report 26, S. 6 (1997)
Heekeren, H. R.; Wenzel, R.; Obrig, H.; Ruben, J.; Ndayisaba, J. P.; Luo, Q.; Dale, A.; Nioka, S.; Kohl, M.; Dirnagl, U. et al.; Villringer, A.; Chance, B.: Towards noninvasive optical human brain mapping - improvements of the spectral, temporal and spatial resolution of near-infrared spectroscopy. Proceedings SPIE 2979, S. 847 - 857 (1997)
Hirth, C.; Obrig, H.; Valdueza, J.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Simultaneous assessment of cerebral oxygenation and hemodynamics during a motor task. A combined near infrared and transcranial doppler sonography study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 411, S. 461 - 469 (1997)
Hirth, C.; Obrig, H.; Villringer, K.; Bernarding, J.; Thiel, A.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.; Mühlnickl, W.: Towards brain mapping combining near-infrared spectroscopy and high resolution 3D MRI. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 139 - 147 (1997)
Hock, C.; Villringer, K.; Heekeren, H.; Hofmann, M.; Wenzel, R.; Villringer, A.; Mueller-Spahn, F.: A role for near infrared spectroscopy in psychiatry. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 105 - 112 (1997)
Obrig, H.; Hirth, C.; Junge-Huelsing, G. J.; Doege, C.; Wenzel, R.; Wolf, T.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Length of resting period between stimulation cycles modulates hemodynamic response to a motor stimulus. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 411, S. 471 - 480 (1997)
Obrig, H.; Villringer, A.: Near-infrared spectroscopy in functional activation studies: Can NIRS demonstrate cortical activation? Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 113 - 127 (1997)
Ruben, J.; Wenzel, R.; Obrig, H.; Villringer, K.; Bernarding, J.; Hirth, C.; Heekeren, H.; Dirnagl, U.; Villringer, A.: Haemoglobin oxygenation changes during visual stimulation in the occipital cortex. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 428, S. 181 - 187 (1997)
Valdueza, J. M.; Balzer, J. O.; Villringer, A.; Vogl, T. J.; Kutter, R.; Einhaeupl, K. M.: Changes in blood flow velocity and diameter of the middle cerebral artery during hyperventilation: Assessment with MR and transcranial Doppler sonography. American Journal of Neuroradiology 18 (10), S. 1929 - 1934 (1997)
Villringer, A.: Functional neuroimaging: optical approaches. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 1 - 18 (1997)
Villringer, A.: Understanding functional neuroimaging methods based on neurovascular coupling. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 177 - 193 (1997)
Villringer, A.; Chance, B.: Noninvasive optical spectroscopy and imaging of human brain function. Trends in Neuroscience 20 (10), S. 435 - 442 (1997)
Villringer, A.; Einhaeupl, K. M.: Dural sinus and cerebral venous thrombosis. New Horizont 5, S. 332 - 341 (1997)
Villringer, K.; Minoshima, S.; Hock, C.; Obrig, H.; Ziegler, S.; Dirnagl, U.; Schwaiger, M.; Villringer, A.: Assessment of local brain activation: A simultaneous PET and near-infrared spectroscopy study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 413, S. 149 - 153 (1997)
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