NeuroImage/HBM Publikationen

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Moosmann, M.; Ritter, P.; Krastel, I.; Thees, S.; Blankenburg, F.; Taskin, B.; Obrig, H.; Villringer, A.: Correlates of alpha rhythm in functional magnetic resonance imaging and near infrared spectroscopy. NeuroImage 20 (1), S. 145 - 158 (2003)
Mueller, N. G.; Donner, T. H.; Bartelt, O.; Brandt, S. A.; Villringer, A.; Kleinschmidt, A.: The functional neuroanatomy of visual conjunction search. A parametric fMRI study. NeuroImage 20, S. 1578 - 1590 (2003)
Obrig, H.; Villringer, A.: Beyond the visible - imaging the human brain with light. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism 23, S. 1 - 18 (2003)
Thees, S.; Blankenburg, F.; Taskin, B.; Curio, G.; Villringer, A.: Dipole source localization and fMRI of simultaneously recorded data applied to somatosensory categorization. NeuroImage 18 (3), S. 707 - 719 (2003)
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