NeuroImage/HBM Publikationen

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Becker, R.; Ritter, P.; Villringer, A.: Influence of ongoing alpha rhythm on the visual evoked potential. NeuroImage 39 (2), S. 707 - 716 (2008)
Fasold, O.; Heinau, J.; Trenner, M. U.; Villringer, A.; Wenzel, R.: Proprioceptive head posture-related processing in human polysensory cortical areas. NeuroImage 40 (3), S. 1232 - 1242 (2008)
Ritter, P.; Freyer, F.; Curio, G.; Villringer, A.: High-frequency (600 Hz) population spikes in human EEG delineate thalamic and cortical fMRI activation sites. NeuroImage 42 (2), S. 483 - 490 (2008)
Taskin, B.; Holtze, S.; Krause, T.; Villringer, A.: Inhibitory impact of subliminal electrical finger stimulation on SI representation and perceptual sensitivity of an adjacent finger. NeuroImage 39 (3), S. 1307 - 1313 (2008)
Trenner, M. U.; Fahle, M.; Fasold, O.; Heekeren, H. R.; Villringer, A.; Wenzel, R.: Human cortical areas involved in sustaining perceptual stability during smooth pursuit eye movements. Human Brain Mapping 29 (3), S. 300 - 311 (2008)
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