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Publikationen von Mariella Paul

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Paul, M.; Männel, C.; van der Kant, A.; Mueller, J. L.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.; Friederici, A. D.: Gradual development of non-adjacent dependency learning during early childhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 50, 100975 (2021)
Paul, M.; Govaart, G.; Schettino, A.: Making ERP research more transparent: Guidelines for preregistration. International Journal of Psychophysiology 164, S. 52 - 63 (2021)
Richter, M.; Paul, M.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: Common ground information affects reference resolution: Evidence from behavioral data, ERPs, and eye-tracking. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 565651 (2020)
van der Kant, A.; Männel, C.; Paul, M.; Friederici, A. D.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: Linguistic and non-linguistic non-adjacent dependency learning in early development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 45, 100819 (2020)
Schaadt, G.; Paul, M.; Muralikrishnan, R.; Männel, C.; Friederici, A. D.: Seven-year-olds recall non-adjacent dependencies after overnight retention. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 171, 107225 (2020)

Vortrag (7)

Govaart, G.; Paul, M.: Symposium: Reproducibility and transparency in EEG research: Current developments. Psychologie und Gehirn (PuG 2021), Virtual (2021)
Schreiner, M. S.; Beyer, F.; Paul, M.: A hands-on introduction to preregistration. Workshop , Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Paul, M.; Männel, C.; van der Kant, A.; Mueller, J. L.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.; Friederici, A. D.: Non-adjacent dependency learning undergoes a developmental shift around the age of 2 years. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (paEpsy), Leipzig, Germany (2019)
Paul, M.; van der Kant, A.: Developmental shift in non-adjacent dependency learning. Neurolinguistics Colloquium, Potsdam, Germany (2019)
van der Kant, A.; Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: Developmental shift in non-adjacent dependency learning. Crossing the Borders Conference, Potsdam, Germany (2018)
Paul, M.; van der Kant, A.; Männel, C.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: Developmental shift in non-adjacent dependency learning. International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS), Philadelphia, PA, USA (2018)
Paul, M.: Associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies: ERP evidence from 24-month-olds. Neurolinguistics Colloquium, Potsdam, Germany (2017)

Poster (8)

van der Kant, A.; Ren, J.; Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Friederici, A. D.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: fNIRS reveals sensitive period effects in toddlers’ ability to implicitly learn non-adjacent dependencies. Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019), Potsdam, Germany (2019)
Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Mueller, J. L.; van der Kant, A.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.; Friederici, A. D.: The sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies: ERP evidence. 51. DGPs-Kongress, Frankfurt, Germany (2018)
van der Kant, A.; Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Friederici, A. D.; Höhle, B.; Wartenburger, I.: fNIRS reveals a sensitive period for non-adjacent dependency learning in the linguistic domain. International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS), Philadelphia, PA, USA (2018)
Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Mueller, J. L.; van der Kant, A.; Wartenburger, I.; Höhle, B.; Friederici, A.: The sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies: ERP evidence from 24-month-olds. M&B Poster Presentations 2017, Berlin, Germany (2017)
Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Mueller, J. L.; van der Kant, A.; Wartenburger, I.; Höhle, B.; Friederici, A.: The sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies: ERP evidence from 24-month-olds. Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, Bilbao, Spain (2017)
Paul, M.; Männel, C.; Mueller, J. L.; van der Kant, A.; Wartenburger, I.; Höhle, B.; Friederici, A.: The sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies: ERP evidence from 24-month-olds. Annual Meeting of the DFG-funded project "Crossing the Borders - the interplay of language, cognition, and the brain in early human development", Göttingen, Germany (2017)
van der Kant, A.; Männel, C.; Paul, M.; Höhle, B.; Friederici, A. D.; Wartenburger, I.: Adult processing of non-adjacent dependencies in the linguistic and non-linguistic domain. Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning 2017, Bilbao, Spain (2017)
van der Kant, A.; Männel, C.; Paul, M.; Höhle, B.; Friederici, A. D.; Wartenburger, I.: Adult learning of non-adjacent dependencies in the linguistic and non-linguistic domain. Lorentz-Center Workshop "The comparative biology of language learning", Leiden, The Netherlands (2017)

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