Publications of Katharina von Kriegstein

Talk (33)

Schelinski, S.; von Kriegstein, K.: Reduced neural processing of speech‐in‐noise in the left inferior frontal gyrus in autism spectrum disorder. 12th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions (WGAS), Augsburg, Germany (2019)
von Kriegstein, K.: The role of the sensory thalamus in speech recognition. International Workshop on Neural Mechanisms Underlying Improved Speech Perception, Institute for Advanced Study, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Germany (2018)
von Kriegstein, K.: Understanding what is said in human communication. SAlzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting (SAMBA), Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCNS) at the University of Salzburg (2018)
Roswandowitz, C.; Kappes, C.; Obrig, H.; von Kriegstein, K.: Obligatorische und fakultative Hirnregionen für die Sprechererkennung. 17. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und -behandlung (GAB) , Berlin, Germany (2017)
Roswandowitz, C.; von Kriegstein, K.: Behavioural and neural mechanisms of developmental phonagnosia. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Vienna, Austria (2017)
Andrä, C.; Schwager, A.; Schwerin, J.; Mathias, B.; Macedonia, M.; Müller , C.; von Kriegstein, K.: Effektivität des Fremdsprachenlernens (Englisch) mit motorischer und visueller Anreicherung im Schulalltag. Innovation & Technologie im Sport: 23. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft , Technische Universität München, Germany (2017)
Roswandowitz, C.; von Kriegstein, K.: Obligatory and facultative brain regions for voice-identity recognition. 6th International Conference on Auditory Cortex, Banff, AB, Canada (2017)
Borowiak, K.; Schelinski, S.; von Kriegstein, K.: Visual-speech recognition difficulties in high-functioning autism are associated with low responses in visual movement areas. 10th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions (WGAS), Berlin, Germany (2017)
Maguinness, C.; von Kriegstein, K.: The face-sensitive pSTS facilitates auditory-only speaker recognition in high levels of auditory noise. 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Dresden, Germany (2017)
Roswandowitz, C.; Kappes, C.; Obrig, H.; von Kriegstein, K.: Voice-identity processing deficits are induced by lesions in the temporal and inferior parietal lobev. 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Dresden, Germany (2017)
Schelinski, S.; von Kriegstein, K.: Temporal voice areas exist in autism spectrum disorder but are dysfunctional for voice identity recognition. TeaP 2017 - 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Dresden, Germany (2017)
von Kriegstein, K.: How the human brain recognizes voices [Keynote lecture]. Berlin Interdisciplinary Workshop on Timbre, Berlin, Germany (2017)
von Kriegstein, K.: Human communication: From cerebral cortex to sensory thalamus. The Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, TX (2016)
Schelinski, S.; Roswandowitz, C.; von Kriegstein, K.: Voice processing in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: Behavioural mechanisms. 9th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions, Freiburg, Germany (2016)
von Kriegstein, K.: How we hear with our visual system. Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, University College London, United Kingdom (2016)
Schelinski, S.; von Kriegstein, K.: I know what you are saying- but who are you? Neural processing of voices in autism spectrum disorder. 8th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions, Augsburg (2015)
von Kriegstein, K.: Angeborene Wahrnehmungsdefizite. Bundeskongress Musikunterricht, Leipzig, Germany (2014)
von Kriegstein, K.: Geheimnisse der zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (2014)
von Kriegstein, K.: Human communication: From phonagnosia to sensory thalamus. Erasmus Mundus Symposium on Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience (ACN) Leipzig, Kickoff Meeting, Handelsbörse Leipzig, Germany (2014)
Schelinski, S.; Riedel, P.; von Kriegstein, K.: Visual influences on auditory-only speech and speaker recognition in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. 7th Scientific Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions , Frankfurt a. M., Germany (2014)

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