Baby mit EEG-Haube und Buch

Publikationen von Markus Streicher

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Stüber, C.; Morawski, M.; Schäfer, A.; Labadie, C.; Leuze, C.; Streicher, M.; Barapatre, N.; Reimann, K.; Geyer, S.; Spemann, D. et al.; Turner, R.; Wähnert, M.: Myelin and iron concentration in the human brain: A quantitative study of MRI contrast. NeuroImage 93 (1), S. 95 - 106 (2014)
Wähnert, M.; Dinse, J.; Weiß, M.; Streicher, M.; Wähnert, P.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.; Bazin, P.-L.: Anatomically motivated modeling of cortical laminae. NeuroImage 93 (2), S. 210 - 220 (2014)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Ivanov, D.; Müller, D. K.; Amadon, A.; Reimer, E.; Huber, L.; Dhital, B.; Rivera, D.; Kögler, C. et al.; Trampel, R.; Pampel, A.; Turner, R.: Fast accurate MR thermometry using phase referenced asymmetric spin-echo EPI at high field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71 (2), S. 524 - 533 (2014)
Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Krieger, S.; Streicher, M.; Mildner, T.; Poser, B.; Möller, H. E.; Turner, R.: Slab-selective, BOLD-corrected VASO at 7 Tesla provides measures of cerebral blood volume reactivity with high signal-to-noise ratio. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 72 (1), S. 137 - 148 (2014)
Krieger, S.; Streicher, M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Cerebral blood volume changes during brain activation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 32 (8), S. 1618 - 1631 (2012)
Turner, R.; Streicher, M.: Measuring temperature using MRI: A powerful and versatile technique. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 25 (1), S. 1 - 3 (2012)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Reimer, E.; Dhital, B.; Trampel, R.; Ivanov, D.; Turner, R.: Effects of air susceptibility on proton resonance frequency MR thermometry. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 25 (1), S. 41 - 47 (2012)
Ivanov, D.; Schäfer, A.; Streicher, M.; Heidemann, R. M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: A simple low-SAR technique for chemical-shift selection with high-field spin-echo imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 64 (2), S. 319 - 326 (2010)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Ivanov, D.; Schäfer, A.; Streicher, M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Fat Suppression with Low SAR for SE EPI fMRI at 7T. In Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Meeting ISMRM, S. 1547. (2009)

Vortrag (6)

Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Streicher, M.; Turner, R.: Slab-selective, BOLD-corrected VASO (SS-VASO) in human brain at 7T. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Ivanov, D.; Huber, L.; Kabisch, S.; Streicher, M.; Schlögl, H.; Roggenhofer, E.; Heinke, W.; Turner, R.: Mapping of CMRO2 changes in visual cortex during a visual motion paradigm at 7T. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Huber, L.; Ivanov, D.; Streicher, M.; Turner, R.: Slab-selective, BOLD-corrected VASO (SS-VASO) in human brain at 7T. The Brain Function Workshop, Whistler-Blackcomb, BC, Canada (2012)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Müller, D.; Kögler, C.; Reimer, E.; Dhital, B.; Trampel, R.; Rivera, D.; Pampel, A.; Ivanov, D. et al.; Turner, R.: Frequency-selective asymmetric spin-echo EPI with parallel imaging for fast internally referenced MR thermometry. ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada (2011)
Streicher, M.; Schäfer, A.; Turner, R.: Effects of air susceptibility on MR thermometry. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya, Turkey (2009)
Streicher, M.: Temperature Mapping based on MRI Phase. 7 Tesla Magdeburg - Leipzig Biannual Workshop, Leipzig (2008)

Poster (14)

Wähnert, M.; Dinse, J.; Weiss, M.; Streicher, M.; Wähnert, P.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.; Bazin, P.-L.: Realistic modeling of cortical laminae. 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Seattle, WA, USA (2013)
Rivera, D.; Siegert, T.; Kögler, C.; Schäfer, A.; Streicher, M.; Turner, R.: Transmit array with novel shield & fabrication technique for reducing losses at UHF. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2013)
Wähnert, M.; Weiss, M.; Streicher, M.; Bazin, P.-L.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: Do cortical layers conform to the Laplace equation? 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China (2012)
Ivanov, D.; Schäfer, A.; Deistung, A.; Kabisch, S.; Roggenhofer, E.; Henseler, I.; Streicher, M.; Jochimsen, T. H.; Uludağ, K.; Turner, R.: In vivo estimation of the transverse relaxation time dependence of blood on oxygenation at 7 Tesla. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2012), Beijing, China (2012)
Driesel, W.; Müller, R.; Schäfer, A.; Streicher, M.; Kögler, C.; Mildner, T.; Möller, H. E.: A double-shielded label coil for continuous arterial spin labeling at 7 T. 20th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Melbourne, Australia (2012)

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