
Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

Speiger, M. L.; Rothmaler, K.; Liszkowski, U.; Rakoczy, H.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Evidence that altercentric biases in a continuous false belief task depend on highlighting the agent's belief. Cognition 256, 106055 (2025)
Lucca, K.; Yuen, F.; Wang, Y.; Alessandroni, N.; Allison, O.; Alvarez, M.; Axelsson, E. L.; Baumer, J.; Baumgartner, H. A.; Bertels, J. et al.; Bhavsar, M.; Byers-Heinlein, K.; Capelier-Mourguy, A.; Chijiiwa, H.; Chin, C. S.-S.; Christner, N.; Cirelli, L. K.; Corbit, J.; Daum, M. M.; Doan, T.; Dresel, M.; Exner, A.; Fei, W.; Forbes, S. H.; Franchin, L.; Frank, M. C.; Geraci, A.; Giraud, M.; Gornik, M. E.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Grossmann, T.; Hadley, I. M.; Havron, N.; Henderson, A. M. E.; Matzner, E. H.; Immel, B. A.; Jankiewicz, G.; Jędryczka, W.; Kanakogi, Y.; Kominsky, J. F.; Lew-Williams, C.; Liberman, Z.; Liu, L.; Liu, Y.; Loeffler, M. T.; Martin, A.; Mayor, J.; Meng, X.; Misiak, M.; Moreau, D.; Nencheva, M. L.; Oña, L. S.; Otálora, Y.; Paulus, M.; Pepe, B.; Pickron, C. B.; Powell, L. J.; Proft, M.; Quinn, A. A.; Rakoczy, H.; Reschke, P. J.; Roth-Hanania, R.; Rothmaler, K.; Schlegelmilch, K.; Schlingloff-Nemecz, L.; Schmuckler, M. A.; Schuwerk, T.; Seehagen, S.; Şen, H. H.; Shainy, M. R.; Silvestri, V.; Soderstrom, M.; Sommerville, J.; Song, H.-J.; Sorokowski, P.; Stutz, S. E.; Su, Y.; Taborda-Osorio, H.; Tan, A. W. M.; Tatone, D.; Taylor-Partridge, T.; Tsang, C. K. A.; Urbanek, A.; Uzefovsky, F.; Visser, I.; Wertz, A. E.; Williams, M.; Wolsey, K.; Wong, T. T.-Y.; Woodward, A. M.; Wu, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zimmer, L.; Hamlin, J. K.: Infants' social evaluation of helpers and hinderers: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study. Developmental Science 28 (1), e13581 (2025)
Gosch, S.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Lauckner, M.; Förster, K.; Kanske, P.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Preckel, K.: An fMRI study on alexithymia and affective state recognition in the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 19 (1), nsae058 (2024)
Steffan, A.; Zimmer, L.; Arias-Trejo, N.; Bohn, M.; Ben, R. D.; Flores-Coronado, M. A.; Franchin, L.; Garbisch, I.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Hamlin, J. K. et al.; Havron, N.; Hay, J. F.; Hermansen, T. K.; Jakobsen, K. V.; Kalinke, S.; Ko, E.-S.; Kulke, L.; Mayor, J.; Meristo, M.; Moreau, D.; Mun, S.; Prein, J.; Rakoczy, H.; Rothmaler, K.; Oliveira, D. S.; Simpson, E. A.; Smith, E. S.; Strid, K.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Thiele, M.; Yuen, F.; Schuwerk, T.: Validation of an open source, remote web-based eye-tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy 29 (1), S. 31 - 55 (2024)
Rothmaler, K.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Evidence against implicit belief processing in a blindfold task. PLoS One 18 (11), e0294136 (2023)
Boylan, M. R.; Panitz, C.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Vieweg, P.; Forschack, N.; Müller, M. M.; Keil, A.: Feature-based attentional amplitude modulations of the steady-state visual evoked potentials reflect blood oxygen level dependent changes in feature-sensitive visual areas. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 35 (9), S. 1493 - 1507 (2023)
Lian, S.-L.; Cao, X.-X.; Xiao, Q.-L.; Zhu, X.-W.; Yang, C.; Liu, Q.-Q.: Family cohesion and adaptability reduces mobile phone addiction: the mediating and moderating roles of automatic thoughts and peer attachment. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1122943 (2023)
Manea, V.; Kampis, D.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Revencu, B.; Southgate, V.: An initial but receding altercentric bias in preverbal infants' memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2000), 20230738 (2023)
Klein, C. C.; Berger, P.; Goucha, T.; Friederici, A. D.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Children's syntax is supported by the maturation of BA44 at 4 years, but of the posterior STS at 3 years of age. Cerebral Cortex 33 (9), S. 5426 - 5435 (2023)
Rothmaler, K.; Berger, P.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Timing matters: Disentangling the neurocognitive sequence of mentalizing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (11), S. 906 - 908 (2022)
Ruggeri, K.; Panin, A.; Vdovic, M.; Većkalov, B.; Abdul-Salaam, N.; Achterberg, J.; Akil, C.; Amatya, J.; Amatya, K.; Andersen, T. L. et al.; Aquino, S. D.; Arunasalam, A.; Ashcroft-Jones, S.; Askelund, A. D.; Ayacaxli, N.; Sheshdeh, A. B.; Bailey, A.; Barea Arroyo, P.; Mejía, G. B.; Benvenuti, M.; Berge, M. L.; Bermaganbet, A.; Bibilouri, K.; Bjørndal, L. D.; Black, S.; Lyshol, J. K. B.; Brik, T.; Buabang, E. K.; Burghart, M.; Bursalıoğlu, A.; Buzayu, N. M.; Čadek, M.; de Carvalho, N. M.; Cazan, A.-M.; Çetinçelik, M.; Chai, V. E.; Chen, P.; Chen, S.; Clay, G.; D’Ambrogio, S.; Damnjanović, K.; Duffy, G.; Dugue, T.; Dwarkanath, T.; Envuladu, E. A.; Erceg, N.; Esteban-Serna, C.; Farahat, E.; Farrokhnia, R. A.; Fawad, M.; Fedryansyah, M.; Feng, D.; Filippi, S.; Fonollá, M. A.; Freichel, R.; Freira, L.; Friedemann, M.; Gao, Z.; Ge, S.; Geiger, S. J.; George, L.; Grabovski, I.; Gracheva, A.; Gracheva, A.; Hajian, A.; Hasan, N.; Hecht, M.; Hong, X.; Hubená, B.; Ikonomeas, A. G. F.; Ilić, S.; Izydorczyk, D.; Jakob, L.; Janssens, M.; Jarke, H.; Kácha, O.; Kalinova, K. N.; Kapingura, F. M.; Karakasheva, R.; Kasdan, D. O.; Kemel, E.; Khorrami, P.; Krawiec, J. M.; Lagidze, N.; Lazarević, A.; Lazić, A.; Lee, H. S.; Lep, Ž.; Lins, S.; Lofthus, I. S.; Macchia, L.; Mamede, S.; Mamo, M. A.; Maratkyzy, L.; Mareva, S.; Marwaha, S.; McGill, L.; McParland, S.; Melnic, A.; Meyer, S. A.; Mizak, S.; Mohammed, A.; Mukhyshbayeva, A.; Navajas, J.; Neshevska, D.; Niazi, S. J.; Nieves, A. E. N.; Nippold, F.; Oberschulte, J.; Otto, T.; Pae, R.; Panchelieva, T.; Park, S. Y.; Pascu, D. S.; Pavlović, I.; Petrović, M. B.; Popović, D.; Prinz, G. M.; Rachev, N. R.; Ranc, P.; Razum, J.; Rho, C. E.; Riitsalu, L.; Rocca, F.; Rosenbaum, R. S.; Rujimora, J.; Rusyidi, B.; Rutherford, C.; Said, R.; Sanguino, I.; Sarikaya, A. K.; Say, N.; Schuck, J.; Shiels, M.; Shir, Y.; Sievert, E. D. C.; Soboleva, I.; Solomonia, T.; Soni, S.; Soysal, I.; Stablum, F.; Sundström, F. T. A.; Tang, X.; Tavera, F.; Taylor, J.; Tebbe, A.-L.; Thommesen, K. K.; Tobias-Webb, J.; Todsen, A. L.; Toscano, F.; Tran, T.; Trinh, J.; Turati, A.; Ueda, K.; Vacondio, M.; Vakhitov, V.; Valencia, A. J.; Van Reyn, C.; Venema, T. A. G.; Verra, S. E.; Vintr, J.; Vranka, M. A.; Wagner, L.; Wu, X.; Xing, K. Y.; Xu, K.; Xu, S.; Yamada, Y.; Yosifova, A.; Zupan, Z.; García-Garzon, E.: The globalizability of temporal discounting. Nature Human Behaviour 6 (10), S. 1386 - 1397 (2022)
Berger, P.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Positive emotion enhances conflict processing in preschoolers. Developmental Science 25 (5), 13199 (2022)
Berger, P.; Friederici, A. D.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Maturational indices of the cognitive control network are associated with inhibitory control in early childhood. The Journal of Neuroscience 42 (32), S. 6258 - 6266 (2022)
Kaltefleiter, L. J.; Schuwerk, T.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Kristen‐Antonow, S.; Jarvers, I.; Sodian, B.: Evidence for goal‐ and mixed evidence for false belief‐based action prediction in 2‐ to 4‐year‐old children: A large‐scale longitudinal anticipatory looking replication study. Developmental Science 25 (4), e13224 (2022)
Bednarski, F. M.; Musholt, K.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.: Do infants have agency? The importance of control for the study of early agency. Developmental Review 64, 101022 (2022)
Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Kampis, D.; Poulsen, E.; Schüler, C.; Lukowski Duplessy, H.; Southgate, V.: Cognitive dissonance from 2 years of age: Toddlers', but not infants', blind choices induce preferences. Cognition 223, 105039 (2022)
Schneider, M.; Falkenberg, I.; Berger, P.: Parent-child play and the emergence of externalizing and internalizing behavior problems in childhood: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 822394 (2022)
Kampis, D.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Koop, S.; Southgate, V.: Understanding the self in relation to others: Infants spontaneously map another's face to their own at 16-26 months. Developmental Science 25 (3), e13197 (2022)
Hoffmann, F.; Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Singer, T.; Steinbeis, N.: Development of functional network architecture explains changes in children's altruistically motivated helping. Developmental Science 25 (2), e13167 (2022)
Berger, P.; Buttelmann, D.: A meta‐analytic approach to the association between inhibitory control and parent‐reported behavioral adjustment in typically‐developing children: Differentiating externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. Developmental Science 25 (1), e13141 (2022)
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