Publikationen von Robert Trampel

Poster (134)

Trampel, R.; Heidemann, R. M.; Ivanov, D.; Turner, R.: Anatomical Identification of V5 in Humans at 7 T. ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA (2009)
Heidemann, R. M.; Trampel, R.; Ivanov, D.; Fasano, F.; Pfeuffer, J.; Turner, R.: Isotropic sub-millimeter fMRI of V5 in human at 7T. ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA (2009)
Ivanov, D.; Schäfer, A.; Streicher, M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Fat suppression with low SAR for SE EPI fMRI at 7T. ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA (2009)
Trampel, R.; Kozlov, M.; Jochimsen, T. H.; Reimer, E.; Mildner, T.; Turner, R.: The influence of design and position of the labeling coil on the efficiency in CASL experiments at 7 T - a computer simulation. ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, USA (2009)
Weiss, M.; Lohmann, G.; Abbas, Z.; Trampel, R.; Scheuermann, G.; Geyer, S.; Turner, R.: In vivo myeloarchitecture with 7 Tesla MRI: tools for image analysis. 3rd Vogt-Brodmann Symposium, Jülich, Germany (2009)
Heidemann, R. M.; Fasano, F.; Pfeuffer, J.; Leuze, C.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Improving echo planar imaging at 7T by combining outer volume suppression and parallel imaging. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Heidemann, R. M.; Trampel, R.; Reimer, E.; Fasano, F.; Pfeuffer, J.; Turner, R.: High resolution mapping of V5 at 7 Tesla. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Lohmann, G.; Bohn, S.; Müller, K.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Image restoration of 7 Tesla magnetic resonance images. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Solano-Castiella, E.; Lohmann, G.; Schäfer, A.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: Parcellation of the human amygdala using 7T structural MRI. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Trampel, R.; Heidemann, R. M.; Turner, R.: Anatomical identification of V5 at 7T. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Trampel, R.; Heidemann, R. M.; Turner, R.: Anatomical imaging at 7T using 2D GRASE. ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Trampel, R.; Jochimsen, T. H.; Mildner, T.; Docherty, C.; Möller, H. E.; Turner, R.: Is it possible to achieve sufficient inversion efficiencies in CASL experiments at high B0 and low B1 field strengths? ISMRM High Field Workshop, Rome, Italy (2008)
Ivanov, D.; Heidemann, R. M.; Reimer, E.; Schäfer, A.; Weiss, M.; Trampel, R.; Turner, R.: High Resolution GRE EPI for fMRI with Whole Brain Coverage at 7T. ISMRM High Field Workshop 2008, Rom, Italien (2008)
Johnson, G.; Trampel, R.; Jensen, J.: Helium diffusion kurtosis MRI of the lungs. 9th International Bologna Conference MRPM, Cambridge, MA, USA (2008)
Docherty, C.; Trampel, R.; Günther, M.; Müller, K.; Müller, D.; Weiß, M.; Reimer, E.; Feinberg, D.; Turner, R.: Tracking blood oxygenation within the cerebral vasculature with pulsed ASL using single-shot 3D GRASE. Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia (2008)
Heidemann, R. M.; Trampel, R.; Reimer, E.; Lepsien, J.; Raabe, M.; Fasano, F.; Turner, R.: High resolution mapping of V5 at 7 Tesla. OHBM 14th Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia (2008)
Busse, H.; Trampel, R.; Gründer, W.; Garnov, N.; Fuchs, J.; Petersen, T.-O.; Kahn, T.; Moche, M.: Navigation system for interventional MR image guidance in a closed-bore scanner: system setup and estimation of targeting accuracy. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada (2008)
Mildner, T.; Müller, K.; Hetzer, S.; Trampel, R.; Driesel, W.; Ott, D. V. M.; von Cramon, D. Y.; Möller, H. E.: Distribution of arterial transit times investigated by MATISSE. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada (2008)
Trampel, R.; Jochimsen, T. H.; Mildner, T.; Docherty, C.; Möller, H. E.; Turner, R.: Is it possible to achieve sufficient inversion efficiencies in CASL experiments at high B0 and low B1 field strengths? ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, ON, Canada (2008)
Zajonz, D.; Busse, H.; Trampel, R.; Kahn, T.; Moche, M.: Erste klinische Erfahrungen bei robotergestützten perkutanen Biopsien an einem geschlossenen 1,5T Magnetresonanztomographen. 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirugie e.V. (CURAC), Karlsruhe, Germany (2007)
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