Publikationen von Gesa Hartwigsen

Hochschulschrift - Master (7)

Hochschulschrift - Master
Elsner, A.: Influence of the posterior inferior frontal gyrus on processing of ambiguous sentences. Master, Dresden University, Dresden, Germany (2018)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Rysop, A.: Modulating syntactic gender processing: A TMS-EEG study. Master, Marburg University, Marburg, Germany (2018)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Rysop, A.: Modulation semantischer Netzwerke bei ungestörter und transient gestörter Sprachverarbeitung: Eine TMS-EEG Studie. Master, University Marburg, Marburg, Germany (2017)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Hitzler, M.: Implizite syntaktische Fähigkeiten bei 2.5-jährigen Kindern: Eine Pupillometrie-Studie. Master, University Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany (2017)
Hochschulschrift - Master
Kuhnke, P.: The neural basis of argument-verb dependency processing: A repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Master, University of Osnabrück (2016)

Editorial (1)

Hartwigsen, G.; Scharinger, M.; Sammler, D.: Modulating cortical dynamics in language, speech and music. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 12 (58) (2018)

Preprint (11)

Zhao, H.; Horn, U.; Freund, M.; Bujanow, A.; Gundlach, C.; Hartwigsen, G.; Eippert, F.: Assessing adverse effects and unspecific effects of transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS). bioRxiv (2023)
Numssen, O.; Kuhnke, P.; Weise, K.; Hartwigsen, G.: Electrical field based dosing improves non-invasive brain stimulation. bioRxiv (2023)
Mesnildrey, Q.; Aksenov, A.; D’Ambra, M. R.; Hartwigsen, G.; Volpert, V.; Beuter, A.: Investigating spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical activity during language production in the healthy and lesioned brain. bioRxiv (2023)
Martin, S.; Frieling, R.; Saur, D.; Hartwigsen, G.: Facilitatory stimulation of the pre-SMA enhances semantic cognition via remote network effects on task-based activity and connectivity. bioRxiv (2022)
Martin, S.; Williams, K.; Saur, D.; Hartwigsen, G.: Age-related reorganization of functional network architecture for language processing. bioRxiv (2022)
Turker, S.; Kuhnke, P.; Schmid, F. R.; Cheung, V. K. M.; Zeidler, B.; Seidel, K.; Eckert, L.; Hartwigsen, G.: Adaptive plasticity in the healthy reading network investigated through combined neurostimulation and neuroimaging. bioRxiv (2022)
Kernbach, J. M.; Hartwigsen, G.; Lim, J.-S.; Bae, H.-J.; Yu, K.-H.; Schlaug, G.; Bonkhoff, A.; Rost, N. S.; Bzdok, D.: Bayesian stroke modeling details sex biases in the white matter substrates of aphasia. bioRxiv (2022)
Maran, M.; Numssen, O.; Hartwigsen, G.; Friederici, A. D.; Zaccarella, E.: Towards a causal role of Broca's area in language: A TMS-EEG study on syntactic prediction. bioRxiv (2021)
Numssen, O.; Zier, A.-L.; Thielscher, A.; Hartwigsen, G.; Knösche, T. R.; Weise, K.: Efficient high-resolution TMS mapping of the human motor cortex by nonlinear regression. bioRxiv (2021)
Martin, S.; Saur, D.; Hartwigsen, G.: Age-dependent contribution of domain-general networks to semantic cognition. bioRxiv (2020)
Mathias, B.; Sureth, L.; Hartwigsen, G.; Macedonia, M.; Mayer, K. M.; von Kriegstein, K.: A causal role of sensory cortices in behavioral benefits of 'learning by doing'. arXiv (2019)

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