Publikationen von Kristin Prehn

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Prehn, K.; Profitlich, T.; Rangus, I.; Heßler, S.; Witte, A. V.; Grittner, U.; Ordemann, J.; Flöel, A.: Bariatric surgery and brain health: A longitudinal observational study investigating the effect of surgery on cognitive function and gray matter volume. Nutrients 12 (1), 127 (2020)

Buchkapitel (1)

Prehn, K.; Heekeren, H.: Moral judgment and the brain: A functional approach to the question of emotion and cognition in moral judgment integrating psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology. In: The Moral Brain, S. 129 - 154 (Hg. Verplaetse, J.). Springer, Dodrecht (2009)

Preprint (1)

Beyer, F.; Prehn, K.; Wüsten , K. A.; Villringer, A.; Ordemann, J.; Flöel, A.; Witte, A. V.: Weight loss reduces head motion: Re-visiting a major confound in neuroimaging. bioRxiv (2019)

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