MBB Details


Posters should be uploaded in PDF format. The posters will be available for all applicants and with poster abstracts can be found in the symposium booklet online.

Each applicant should prepare max 1-min presentation (max 3 sentences) for the poster session.

We have scheduled 2 big poster presentation slots with different sessions (poster session A & B) and (poster sessions C & D).

Please use as little text as possible and more graphs, diagrams, pictures...


Poster Sessions | in PERSON

Please print your posters in advance (A0), Maximum poster size is 900 x 1200 mm (width x height, portrait format).
You can also have with you printouts of your poster (A4) for distribution, if you wish. You will hang your posters when you arrive and/or during the break before (poster sessions A & B together and poster sessions C & D together). 

Poster Session | VIRTUAL

The virtual poster sessions A, B, C & D on another date will be in Zoom via Breakout Rooms. You will get the link later. Each
poster will have its "room" named by the poster number (ex. A01)

For poster presentation during the poster session, we recommend to prepare 4 PowerPoint slides (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). You don't have to send us this slides. You will have it with you during poster session in your Breakout Room and share your screen. Other participants will join different Breakout Rooms. So please try to be always available.

Try to prepare 1-2 minutes
'blitz' explaination of your poster with your 4 slides.

a) an A4 size poster PDF file of any design (portrait or


b) 4 Powerpoint slides in a
1-page PDF file (4 Slides horizontal; Landscape orientation)
You can prepare this PDF file from 4 PowerPoint slides, which you can then use as your presentation, by clicking:

Save as PDF -> Options

Publish what: -> Handouts

Frame Slides

Slides per page: 4


IMPORTANT: Name your poster PDF
file with your poster number and your family name! You will get your poster number per email later. Example: A23_Mueller


Oral Presentations
If you wish to have poster or oral presentation, please provide an abstract with title and author list. Only the best abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations. Oral presentations are 15 minutes only (10 min talk / 4 min discussion). You can share your screen with the file of your talk for Oral Presentation virtually.  Your talk will be scheduled either for Panel 1, Panel 2 or Panel 3.

Abstract Authors
Please write the authors’ names and affiliations following the format of the example below (max. 60 characters). Please  don’t forget each comma, point, brackets and “&” signs. Indicate each author’s affiliation after his/her name with brackets and number(s) as shown. Include ONLY city but not state/country in the affiliation line!  Example:

Nierhaus, T. [1,2], Vidaurre, C. [1], Mueller, K. [3], & Villringer, A. [1,2]

[1] Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
[2] MindBrainBody Institute, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, HU, Berlin
[3] Machine Learning Department, Technical University Berlin, Berlin

Abstract Details
The abstract should NOT exceed 300 words! Please AVOID references, literature, bibliography, and figures in the abstract. It should include Introduction,  Methods,  Results, and  Discussion sections in separate paragraphs.

Introduction: Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Methods: Xxxxx  xx xx   xxxxx xxxxxxx.
Results: Xxxx  xxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxx.
Discussion: Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx.

Methodological Focus & Workshops

We have scheduled 2 parallel sessions with 4 workshops with Methodological Focus.

There will also be sponsor workshop.

MBB Young Scientist Award
We offer a MBB Young Scientist Award which will provide you with the opportunity of a funded research stay at MindBrainBody Institute (Berlin School of Mind and Brain) or at the Neurology Department of Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (MPI CBS Leipzig). If you want to be considered for the selection of the MBB Young Scientist Award, please add your CV and a project idea (in the research areas of MindBrainBody) to be performed in a 3-month period within the next year, using behavioral and neurophysiological / neuroimaging methods available at our Institute. The project can be conducted in co-supervision. Project Proposal text should be in a form of short proposal including Introduction, Research Question, and Methods (about 800 words).

The winner will be announced at the end of the MBB Symposium.

Online Registration
Attendance without presentation is possible. Previously presented posters are also welcomed.

In the Registration link (survey), please try to use characters existing only in English alphabet (excluding characters such as ä, ü, ö and other). Please note that you will NOT get any confirmation email directly after registering online, but just a note on the survey Webpage saying: “Thank you! Your survey responses have been recorded.”


Registration Deadline: January 15, 2024

If you are not registered, you cannot attend the MBB Symposium 2024!

Acceptance Email
You will receive an acceptance email in February 2024.

You will receive per email the attendance certificate at the end of the MBB Symposium.



POSTERS MBB Symposium 2023





MBB Poster Prize 2023

Session A & B
Merve Kutlu (Department of Psychology, LMU Munich)
Poster B07: “Identifying sequential memory reactivation during sleep in humans”

Session C & D
Sarah Meissner (ETH Zurich, Neural Control of Movement Lab)
Poster D25: “Through the eye to the brain: Modulating arousal via pupil-based neurofeedback”

Jessica L. Hazelton (Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney)
Poster V04: “Investigating interoception and emotion in left- vs right-predominant anterior temporal lobe degeneration”


MBB Young Scientist Award 2023

1. Jellina Prinsen (KU Leuven)
Proposal: “Menstrual cycle effects on conscious and preconscious indices of cardiac interoception

2. Aleksandra Piejka (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Proposal: “Examination of associations between loneliness, emotion regulation, stress, and physiological acitivity in daily life”

3. Sofija Perovic (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Sapienza University of Rome)
Proposal: “Does the Vertex Potential differentially modulate cortical and thalamic activation?”


Recording of Anil K. Seth Lecture Discussion of Anil K. Seth

Recording of Frederike Pretzschner Lecture | Discussion of Frederike Pretzschner (Starting 28:02min)

Recording of Stepahie Jones Lecture

Recording of Matthew Larkum Lecture (starting after general info 7:30min) | Discussion of Matthew Larkum

Recording of György Buzsaki Lecture   | Discussion György Buzsaki

Recording of Panel 1   (Jonas Karolis DegutisJuanli Zhang, Piotr Litwin, Genji Kawakita)   

Recording of Panel 2 (Corinna Schulz, Alireza Nia, Bonnie O'Malley, Lara Puhlmann, Monika Malon, Leah Banellis)

Recording of Panel 3 (Yulia Revina, Alejandro Galvez-Pol, Suvi Karjalainen, Fivos Iliopoulos, Sofija Perovic)

Recording Methodological Focus 1: Micah Allen  

Recording Methodological Focus 2: Felix Biessmann 

Recording of Sponsor  Workshops A  (Brain Products/MES, Biopac, ANT Neuro)  Starting from 22:22minutes

Recording of Sponsor Workshops B: (NirX, Mentalab)

9th MindBrainBody Symposium 2022

We were happy to welcome all our participants of the 9th MindBrainBody Symposium from March 16-18, 2022 virtually. We are looking forward to seeing you all, hopefully in presence mode, during our 10th Anniversary MindBrainBody Symposium in March 2023!

Poster Prize Winners

The winners will get monetory prize from our sponsor: Brain Products / MES Forschungssysteme GmbH.

1st Prize:

  • Polina Arbuzova (Department of Psychology & Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): "No evidence of impaired visual and tactile metacognition in adults with Tourette disorder" Poster D01

2nd Prize:

  • Pablo Nicolas Fernandez Larrosa (IFIBYNE, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires): "Complex decision-making could be facilitated by social modulation through priming" Poster A19

Special Prize:

  • Christoph Bamberg (School of Psychology, The University of Auckland, Auckland): "A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Temporary Calorie Restriction on Cognitive Performance" Poster A15
  • Sidney Carls-Diamante & Alice Laciny (Universitaet Konstanz, Konstanz): "A predictive processing/active inference account of procrastination in the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)" Poster A03
  • Marika Constant (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): "The Weighting of Prior Information in Confidence" Poster B09
  • Elenor Morgenroth Elenor Morgenroth (Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne):   "Movie-induced emotion experiences modulate dynamically-occurring amygdala-CAPs" Poster B12


MBB Young Scientist Awards 2022

  • Aleksandra Herman (Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland): Proposal Title “(Un)certain bodies: The role of bodily responses and their perception in decision-making under different types of uncertainty”
  • Irena Arslanova (Royal Holloway, University of London): Proposal Title “Cardiac feedback can both help and harm: the role of heart in fear depends on fear level” 
  • Shelby Bachman (University of Southern California, Los Angeles): Proposal Title “The effect of a plant-based diet on brain and cognitive aging”


Recording of Olaf Blanke’s Lecture     | Recording of Olaf Blanke’s Discussion Session

Recording of Panel 1: Please start from 1:10:44 min

Recording of Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulous’ Lecture Recording of Fotopoulou’s Discussion Session

Recording of Rebecca Böhme’s Lecture 

Recording of Sahib Khalsa’s Lecture

Recording of Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulous’ Lecture Recording of Fotopoulou’s Discussion Session

Recording of Rebecca Böhme’s Lecture

Recording of Sponsor Workshop | Brain Products and MES Forschungssysteme

Recording of Panel 3 and Closing Remarks & Award Distribution


The PROGRAM of the 9th MindBrainBody Symposium 2022 is available now online. 












Booklet  2021

MBB Symposium Booklet 2021 is available here.

In the booklet you will find all the abstracts of the talks and the posters, as well as updated program, poster numbers, and participant list.


Program 2021

This file contains ALL possible GMT time zones. Please check your GMT, then find the corresponding column in the file.

***Program 2021 with ALL GMT ***

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